Monday, June 27, 2011

Z-ranha first time in action: sabotages Gaza flotilla ship

Here it comes, from Haaretz (but of course):
One of the ships due to participate in the Gaza flotilla was deliberately tampered with while it was docked in Greece’s Piraeus port, Gaza flotilla activists told Haaretz on Monday.

The ship, due to carry Greek, Norwegian, and Swedish passengers to Gaza, was found with its propeller shaft broken, the ship’s spokesman Israeli activist Dror Feiler told Haaretz.
Of course, curious reader will want to know: how exactly the heinous act of sabotage was carried out?

So read this. And don't say you weren't warned in advance. Anti-Zionists who put their feet in the azure Mediterranean should be aware from now on that no foot, no matter how bad does it smell (or not at all) is sacred. Our schools of Z-ranhas are on the prowl.

And re another detail:
Even though the problem can be fixed, it is still unclear how long it would take, especially with Greece’s recently declared general strike on Tuesday and Wednesday.
And who, do you think, caused all that turmoil in Greece?

I am gonna to take a break. To cackle darkly for half an hour or so...

Update:  Z-ranhas take a bite out of Irish ship now. Another success.

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