Thursday, May 5, 2011

Just A Thought: SHUT! UP!

Sarah Palin.
What makes you think--and I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that you actually do think--that showing the picture of a dead bin Laden is gonna makes things better in the world? That it is in any way "part of the mission?

What makes you think that those people that choose to fly planes into our buildings because they hate Americans, are now suddenly gonna bow and scrape and say, "Oops, sorry. Never mind." once we show their leader with a gaping hole in his head?

You self-centered narcissistic unintelligent amoral bitch.

Killing Osama bin Laden was a good thing. Good for American morale that the perpetrator of 9/11 was finally punished for his evil. And good for the rest of the world's morale to see that justice can be served. Justice.

But where is there justice in showing the world this man's body? It will only serve to make his minions more vigilant in punishing this country. It will only serve to make their view of America, and Americans, the popular view. That we killed a man, danced in the streets, and then printed up his picture for millions of people to blog about and Facebook "Like" and Tweet about.

You are a complete moron. Every single day that passes, you get further and further from being a potential candidate for president; and let's face it, you half-term-quitter, you were never really getting close anyway.

The difference between you and Obama, besides about a hundred IQ points, an education, a brain, and a heart, is compassion, and understanding. He understands that showing that picture serves no good. He has compassion for the dead man even though the dead man showed us no compassion. He understands that showing that picture will only feed the anti-American frenzy of the terrorists, not make them turn tail and run.

He thinks. You don't

So, seriously, Mrs. Palin, Shut.The.Fuck.Up.

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