Saturday, May 14, 2011


There are places in our house where cats are allowed to be....on the bed....on the couch in the sunroom....on the couch in the living room....on a kitchen table chair. There are not allowed on living room chairs...or dining room chairs.....or counters.
Tuxedo, however, because he's so delicious, gets away with murder. He is allowed on the bathroom counter, because he enjoys a sip of water from the faucet.....he's allowed on one of the living room chairs....if he's in my lap. And now, apparently, he has granted himself access to a dining room chair. There he is, peeking at me when I asked if he was hungry.
And here is is, doing his Gargoyle impression from atop a living room chair. He doesn't use his front paws to hold on because he's been declawed....DO NOT DO he looks like he's just hanging around.
He just looks so darned cute, that I looked the other way and ignored his infractions. luckily for us both, his Latino Daddy wasn't home.

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