Saturday, September 3, 2011

Is Turkey talking tough over Israel or throwing a tantrum?

This good question is the headline of a Guardian article. Lots of people mull the Turkish ire and wrath these days. To start with, they spend a year or so demanding apologies, then, hit by Palmer commission report, reject its conclusions and, seemingly, go into a prolonged snit. First expelling our ambassador, then threatening to cut economic ties, vowing to take legal actions against the Israeli soldiers who took part in the Mavi Marmara raid, even promising that "Turkish naval vessels will accompany civilian ships carrying aid to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip".

Some may think that this escalation of Turkish ire really is an escalation of Turkish ire toward Israel. And they couldn't be more wrong.

The truth is that for the last three or four months Turkey tries to impress Baby Assad, threatening him with all kinds of totally undefined punishments that will follow the stream of the totally illegible Turkish protests in the totally undefined future. That is, if he (Baby Assad) will not stop immediately (or in the next few years, which is also totally undefined) the slaughter of his citizens.

It looks like Turkey has found a way now to show Baby Assad how it's done...

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